After the Unreal Engine 5 early access release I got inspired to redesign some of the Unreal game series weapons, I played their games since the first one (Unreal 1998), so I decided to redesign one of my favorite weapons from that game, the Automag (renamed to Enforcer in the next games). It was a weak weapon but had a cool silhouette and sound.
The original design practically didn’t have a barrel so I focused on design its functionality first, a system that would keep a recognizable silhouette but brings the gun closer to viability.
Since the Unreal series takes place in space or other planets I incorporated in the design an extensive use of polymer to save weight, even in the ammunition, so the Textron Systems cased telescoped ammunition was a great fit to use as a reference. Added a recoil compensation system and flashlight + laser module to justify the silhouette and a Zero-G magazine assist system to help reload in space, just remember to take your hand of the magazine after inserting in the mag well.
Functionality was the focus of this design, here is a cutout to show the firing mechanism in action.
The Zero-G magazine assist system in action.